Thursday, April 24, 2008

Terrifying Babies

Chalked up number 2 terrified baby todsy. The first time, on the metro, large numbers of helpful people moved in to obscure its view of me. Today, the baby-carrier carefully moved to the back of the platform.

I know the Chinese (like the Romans, which is kind of curious) think beards are a sign of barbarism, but really, what do they tell these children?


nicky said...

Hi Andrew - good to read your stories. Life sounds crazily chaotic!
here in Melbourne the winter chill has hit but seeing and hearing rain is a relief.
Freys all well - Dane 21 on May 1st - How did that happen? Mitch still enjoying uni (who wouldnt on 10 contact hours) Tony clocking up the km's on his bike - has upgraded to a better model not that I know - its still looks black witrh 2 wheels front and back!
Work is busy and I have grown my thick skin and am amazed continually at the political game called sport!
Anyway will continue to 'blog' Not sure that Mum and Dad will get the hang of it but we shall see,

Take care,

Love Nicky x

tejjy said...

hi nick, well they`ve managed to read it, but i`m not confident about posting. curiously on my work computer i cant see your comments, but on the mobile, as now, no problems. 21 eh, bloody hell, you only got married a few years ago, weird, eh. work and politics. sport and politics, in fact even politics has politics.
nice to hear mitch is enjoying uni, mad not to. i gather from folks he is still running. has tony started trying to win things yet?