Thursday, May 1, 2008


View of Guangzhou's tallest building - a May Day pilgrimage for many - from the GZ East railway station. I live 100 meters on the left.

The view from my living room window. Note the characteristic tufts of hair and the right ear sticking out. There are better views, but this is the way the camera was pointing.

Hmmph. I had plans today to go and explore a couple of the islands in the Pearl River. There is one, University City which houses about 7 universities. There is a lot of water around Guangzhou, but strangely to my mind it doesn't seem to play a very big part in anyone's consciousness. People don't plan to go boating. Housing developers advertise that they are near the river, but only so you can look at it. Obviously it's possible that the river is so toxic that people only feel safe looking at it from a distance, but I would be surprised really. Lots of the industry is downstream. Of course the part of the city I live and work in is north of the river, so in a way disconnected from it. Maybe it's different for the people south of the river because in a big way they are IN the river - if not quite the delta, the Pearl is making some significant detours by here - the south of the city is an island. Although, not in the minds of the occupants. Perhaps it's a little too big to be an island, relative to the width of the river.

Anyway, the plan for today was to go & look at islands. But not, I think, in the rain. So maybe a day indoors catching up on work & study.

After finally getting the mobile phone to work with China Mobile's internet service something bad happened yesterday and it is now seriously worse than it was before. I can't even connect to the wireless network in the coffee shop; well that's not good, that's the simplest of all the options. I keep toying with the idea of buying another one, but who's to say it would be better? Or more to the point, more comprehensible, becasue really what's at issue here is what the settings on the phone actually do. Or mean. And where they are. And how I can change them - obviously by accident, since I don't think it is a miracle that it suddenly stopped working, but equally obviously I can't find anything that seems likely to reverse the accident. I guess that's another good rainy day project.

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