The other thing about autumn is very strong winds cleans the air even better than the mid-summer rains.
You can see the clouds better in the next one on - I know the sky is a different colour, but that's due to trick photography. I was practising ways to trick the fully automatic exposure controls, and I have found one.
(more to come)
Also, cycling today is the kind of thing you might think about doing for pleasure. Last weekend it was something you would do to lose weight, or because you had no choice.
Imagine how devastated you'd be if you fell off the bicycle (happened to me once going down Williamstown Road when the chain jumped off the sprocket). Or how angry you'd be if some idiot ran into you. Twenty years ago if you'd been doing this (and no-one actually was that I saw, which might be a whole other discussion) it would have been a bicycle but now it'd be about 50:1 on it would be a car. They don't call it brittle for nothing.
It's tempting to think that there is something a little idyllic about a world where you can earn a living selling peanut brittle from the back of a bicycle - that's the "real China" that everybody is worried might be vanishing. But think about that guy's stress. Take a look at his back - it's the back of a man who is worried about many things. OK, it might be the plummeting value of his share portfolio - but I think the balance of probabilities is against it.
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